Наша политика


This document outlines the policies held by Keksia Limited, regarding the Mine Servers™ network of sites. Keksia reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time. Should there be any disagreement with the policies, the use of the site should be terminated immediately.


  • Keksia Limited, the owning body of the Mine Servers™ network, shall be referred to as Keksia.
  • All Minecraft server lists owned by Keksia Limited, and any spin-offs, shall be referred to as the Network.
  • Those with direct or indirect control over one or more server listing on the Network, or those with reasonable control or involvement over the operation of servers referred to in server listings, shall be referred to as Operators.
  • Those who use the Network for any reason, including finding and voting on a server, shall be referred to as Users.


All server listings on the site come from user-generated content and as such, the Operator must be responsible for the content that they list.

Operators may not list, under any circumstances, the following:

  • Pornographic content in any media representation.
  • Content with racist or offensive language.
  • Illegal servers, such as cracked servers.
  • Borrowed, modified or stolen content that is under copyright of another party.
  • Defamatory content towards any organization or individual.
  • Servers that are not owned by the Operator.
  • Duplicate entries of any servers already on the site, unless the last instance of it has been deleted.


In order for us to provide up-to-date status information on servers, as well as detailed statistics in the case of a server using our Advanced Query system, we will periodically send requests to your server to retrieve information.

The queries we send will not interfere with the operation of your server. We only use public query protocols built in to the game server.


Voting is the core of the ranking system of the site, and as such, is strictly controlled. We restrict voting to one vote, per individual, per day, to prevent abuse.

Operators also must make considerations in how they promote voting to conform with the requirements of the site:

  • No automated vote systems of any kind are permitted.
  • Votes must come from genuine Users, who actively play the server they are voting for.
  • Operators must never offer a reward on one server for voting on another server.
  • Operators must promote voting on a server only to Users of that specific server.


We use extensive measures to detect and prevent vote cheating on our sites. Our methods of detection are internal to the website and are not publicly described, in order to protect the algorithms and prevent abuse.

If our systems alert us to vote cheating on your server, we will always manually investigate this to verify the results. In the case of a positive detection, the Operator will be contacted (wherever possible) to discuss the discontinuation of such practices. A score and listing penalty may also apply, depending on the circumstances and severity of the situation.

Continued cheating following a warning will result in permanent blacklisting from all sites.

Featured/Premium Servers

  • Featured and Premium purchases may be refunded only in extreme cases, at the discretion of Keksia.
  • If a Featured/Premium server is to be removed due to policy violations, a pro-rata refund will be available on request.
  • Administration Fees totaling 10% of the refund amount will be deducted from any refund made.
  • Unauthorized chargebacks will result in legal prosecution.

Network Servers

Any server that connects multiple sub-servers through a proxy or forwarding service shall be considered a Network Server. The listing of network servers is permitted providing that the following rules are adhered to:

  • Network servers may only list their root Hub server on the site, not sub-servers individually.
  • Only votes from sub-servers that are related to the site may be added to the site.
  • Multiple sub-servers may pool their votes into one listing providing the above is true for each server.
  • It is the responsibility of the Operator to meet these conditions.
  • Failure to meet these conditions will be enforced in the same way as vote cheating is enforced.
  • In order to help prevent spam, we require a unique IP address to be used for each listed server.


Keksia, and those employed by Keksia, will routinely make anonymous inspections of servers to detect violations of policies. We will never ask for escalated privilege and such persons that do should be treated as fraudulent.

Should an inspection find violations, Keksia may immediately take action, without notification to the Operator(s). Top servers in the network should expect more strict enforcement of the policies.


  • Keksia makes no guarantee to the permanence of server listings, in any way.
  • Keksia makes no guarantee that Operators correspond to the genuine owners of the listed server, however there are automated systems in place to allow genuine owners to recover permissions to a listed server.
  • Keksia will not be held responsible for any damages, including loss of income, due to suspension or expulsion from the list.


These lists are built, maintained and owned by Keksia. No unauthorized reproduction of the site is permitted and any attempt to steal or clone the copyrighted material on this website, without the permission of the copyright owner, will result in legal prosecution.

Последнее изменение: 18th March 2016