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Hide and seek map

Hide and seek map

Murder mysteries map

Murder mysteries map

Welcome to SerpentMC!

Our server consists of our action-packed factions! And our own custom Call of Duty Zombies.
Factions is back never before seen factions type many help gui and more things to do along with an
RPG /prison/faction server a must join and play! Teams wanted


Our Zombies is a fun game that you can play with up to 3 other friends!
As of now, we have 5 Zombies maps open Nacht Der Untoten; the classic Zombies map from World at War,
Shipment; a remake of the original map from Call of Duty 4, Standoff;
modelled after the map from Black Ops 2, and lastly the map Sanitarium; a large custom map
if you're looking for a challenge.

                  Our Community!

Our server has friendly players and an astounding staff consists of many players who do so much for you guys so you can just sit back and enjoy! We even have a Discord channel, custom made for our server that we have players and staff on 24/7! Let's chat! Feel free to take a look at our forums and join our website as well!

Thanks for your time and we hope to see you on the server some day to become a part of our family!

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