Peppermint is a modpack designed within the bounds of what I believe to be "vanilla" minecraft. Mostly every mod installed is something that would not be so far-fetched to add to the original game. This is why the pack is named Peppermint, to pay homage to this "Vanilla" nature. Botania, Improving Minecraft, Missing Pieces and Quark are the frontrunners of the pack and as such are the primary content providers for the modpack. Notable mentions are Roguelike Dungeons, Chisels & Bits, and Bloodmoon.
The modpack is configured to encourage exploration. Roguelike dungeons are noticeably harder to find, on par with other rare structures in the game. You can also encounter massive BattleTowers that you can traverse and conquer. Hardcore Wither is installed, which makes each consecutive wither battle more difficult but also offers end-game options for tools. There is a variety of atmospheric(and dangerous) mobs to encounter. Horse armour and saddles are craftable. IronBackpacks and IronChests are both installed to improve storage options. Redstone paste to put wires on your ceiling. The list of features would be a long one.
Mod List(Excluding Library and Required Mods):
- ArchWoods
- ArmorPlus
- AquaCulture
- BattleTowers
- Literal Ascension
- Bloodmoon
- Botania
- Chisels&Bits
- CraftableHorseArmor
- Drawers&Bits
- Enchanting Plus
- Ender Zoo
- ExtraRails
- FastLeafDecay
- Gravestones
- HardcoreWither
- IronBackpacks
- IronChests
- Journeymap
- JustEnoughResources
- Localized Weather
- MissingPieces
- MmmMmmMmmMmm
- MobDismemberment
- Mo' Bends
- Mowzies' Mobs
- Natura
- Nether Core
- Nether Metals
- Quark
- Realistic Torches
- Recall Stones
- RedstonePaste
- RoguelikeDungeons
- Special AI
- Sophisticated Wolves
- StorageDrawers
- Substratum
- Tinkers' Construct
- Totemic
- TreeChopper
- Waila
- WolfArmor
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