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XzeddCraft is a Survival server where you and your friends can play Minecraft together! The server is a nice and family friendly place. Everyone can set a home and create private warps so they can go anywhere they want! Some of our cool additions to regular minecraft are...

1) Iconomy- Money! XzeddCraft has its own economy which means you can buy and sell stuff to other players like items or buildings!

2) Chestshop- You can setup automatic shops with just a chest and a sign! All someone has to do is right click the sign and they buy something from you. A tutorial on how to set it up is in spawn.

3) Mob Arena- Battle endless waves of monsters in different arenas! Choose from one of the five premade classes and get rewards for beating certain waves.

4) Holiday events- Holidays! Spawn will be decorated for the holidays and there will be cool events happening on holidays. For example, trick or treating on Halloween or presents to everyone on Christmas!

5) Brand new map- the map is brand new! That means there are 25,000,000 blocks open on just the surface! Build nearly anywhere in the 5000 by 5000 world!

6) Money from Mobs- In addition to getting the drops from the monsters you also get a small amount of money! This makes killing monsters very useful.

7) The nether and end are open- Unlike some servers both the end and the nether are open! This means you can get all the supplies you need from them like end stone and quartz!

8) Changing Spawns- Spawn will change every 4 months. With changing spawns you will never get tired of visiting spawn!

9) Voting rewards- Get rewarded for voting for XzeddCraft in sites like PlanetMinecraft!

10) Starting Kit- Everyone gets a set of iron tools, leather armor, Bread, and a speed potion right as they start off as well as a book with all the server commands in it!

11) MCMMO- level up skills like Mining, Digging, Woodcutting and a bunch more for special bonuses!

12) LWC- Only you and people you allow can get into your chests! Lock them to only you with /cprivate and add people to them with /cmodify (name).

13) Creature Box- Pick up spawners and place them wherever you want! You can also buy the different kinds of spawners from Xzedd.

14) Free Iron Tools- Get free iron tools with /kit iron!

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