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Krysticgaming is a top notch dedicated and lag free minecraft server. This server is
focused primarily on PVP and Factions.
We are running plugins such as
tla, iconomy, McMmo, jobs, shops and decapitation.

We all at krystic gaming hope that you have a good time and experience the server the way we do.

It is a hard-core pvp server meaning that greifing/raiding are aloud only exception is spawn and warps.

Bending is a large part of are server, basically you can manipulate elements around you fire, water, earth and air. You can use this in pvp and every month we will give away the avatar state in which you can master all elements, get a huge boost and be respected by fellow players. If you are new to bending our staff will happily help you, if no one is on simply build a house and wait. but to choose you element execute this command /bending choose "fire, air,earth, water"
then just use /bending display "element you choose" and use those to bind them to a slot in your inventory. we are currently 24/7 and has only 15 users so. we are also looking for staff so come on and have some fun!!!

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