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Blitz-Craft survival/creative/pvp/grife server

Blitz-Craft cover
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Hey welcome to BlitzCraft the 24/7 No Lag, Survival/Creative 100 Slot server. We're brand new and are looking for some players. Come join us ''.
Note: All of the buildings were build using Sphax PureBDCraft, get it here:

In creative you can build anything you can possibly imagine, there are infinite plots and just as many possibilities.

In survival, griefing IS allowed so the only thing to do is hide your house to the best of your ability and trust absolutely NO ONE! Mine for those all important ores and you better grow eyes in the back of your head.

Server Specs
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-1620 (3.60GHz)
Unmetered 1GBPS Bandwidth
Unlimited Storage

if you'd like to donate to us there are two ranks you can purchase:
Donator ($15)
VIP ($30)

For being a Donator you get awesome perks such as:
10 Plots
10 Homes

And for being VIP you get even more awesome perks such as:
/Fly (in survival)
Unlimited Plots
Unlimited Homes
if you'd like to donate to BlitzCraft please visit this link:

Note: Donating does not exclude players from the server rules. Donators can and will be muted/kicked/banned accordingly if they break the rules.

Staff applications:
as we are a brand new server we are in need of some staff so if you would like to apply, please contact a member of staff that is on the server or add one of the owners on Skype: 'Majicmaj.15' or 'ItzzFoxyBoy'

Note: Your application can take up to 3 days to be processed & BOTH owners must agree before you are ranked. You MUST work your way up from Trusted to Moderator and then Admin. If you are ranked, you do not become excluded from being banned, kick, muted etc. You must NOT break ANY of the servers Rules and if you do, accept the fact that you WILL be punished accordingly.


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