- mc.minewonderland.com
- 0 of 24 players
- 955 points
Minecraft Servers tagged with Non-PVP
Providing dozens of modpacks to choose from since 2010. Independently hosted and maintained. We support/host packs from Technic, FTB, ATL, and Curse.
- 18 of 100 players
- 146 points
- tekkit.mc-complex.com
- 32 of 999 players
- 97 points

Fight, build, explore, and conquer on the HowlMC MODDED-hybrid survival server! Adventure is out there!
- howlmc.net
- 1 of 69 players
- 18 points
- play.omnablock.net
- 0 of 20 players
- 12 points
A network geared for building. Both Survival and Creative, with no PVP and build-based ranks! Plus some minigames.
- clownercraft.net
- 0 of 48 players
- 6 points
A Minecraft server made by players for players.
As players we know the kind of community we build in this virtual world. That is what we are trying to do, build a community of friends.
- mc.farahsoftware.co.za
- 0 of 500 players
- 5 points
- palterrapixel.apexmc.co
- 0 of 1,000 players
- 2 points
A friendly survival server, Jobs, Communities, Creative, Survival and Non Greafing to maximize your minecraft experience.
- play.ottercraft.net
- 2 of 50 players
- 1 points

Tired of pay-to-win servers that get boring after 30 minutes? Check out our 20+ custom gamemodes and 100+ FREE ranks!
- mc.advancius.net
- 170 of 400 players
- 1 points
PlanetBrunei Reborn

PlanetBrunei Reborn is a plugin-heavy SMP server focusing on Enhancing gameplay at a higher difficulty, now with deadly disasters and bedrock support!
- 1 of 100 players
- 1 points
Matecraft is a network of various servers we offer Survival, Creative, Minigames, SKyBlock & SkyGrid come join us today. matecraft.org
- mc.matecraft.org
- 0 of 0 players
- 0 points
- play.plaguemc.xyz
- 0 of 20 players
- 0 points

Tired of pay to play servers? Join today on a server that gives unlimited creative game mode, grief protection, and no donations(#PowertoPlayers)!
- playtekkitnoodle.com
- 0 of 250 players
- 0 points
CraftYourTown | Towny | No Grief
Towny is similar to factions in the way that you build anything you want in a free world, however with Towny, you can protect your areas.
- mc.craftyourtown.com
- 72 of 500 players
- 0 points
- mc.popcraft.org
- 6 of 35 players
- 0 points
Average Minecraft server
jest your average Minecraft server
- Average_minecraft_se.aternos.me
- 0 of 0 players
- 0 points
- play.vivacitymc.com
- 1 of 36 players
- 0 points